Class Notes
Character in Biblical Narrative
1) Names
God as Character
God's Dual Role:
1) Present and Involved
- from Ancient Greek χαρακτήρ (“type, nature, character”), from χαράσσω (“I engrave”).
- Biblical authors use characters as vehicles for their message primarily through showing rather than telling.
- Biblical characters are not always the best example for us.
- But the biblical authors use them to communicate the morals and ethics of a godly life.
- There are two types of Characterization: Direct and Indirect.
- Narrators rarely make comments about characters in Biblical Narrative.
- when they do, it’s with small details or brief phrases like:
- Physical appearance: Joseph’s looks, Saul’s stature, Esau’s hair, but only when relevant to the narrative.
- Moral evaluation of a character’s actions: did evil, did good, righteous, wise, foolish.
- Favoritism in the story of Isaac and Rebecca.
- Through names, action, or speech.
1) Names
- Often indicate their role in the story.
- Examples:
- Saul means “the one asked for.”
- Abram/Abraham means “exalted father/father of a multitude.”
- Israel means “struggles with God.”
- Adam means “humanity.”
- Elijah means “Yaweh is my God.”
- Biblical narrators prefer to show people’s character rather than evaluate their actions.
- Characters are something the biblical authors tend to speak with rather than about.
- Biblical narrators often let you reflect on the character's decisions rather than judge their behavior.
- Example: Moses kills an Egyptian. Why? Justice? An anger problem? Is his behavior good or bad?
- Often, the narrative pauses and a key character will offer a long speech:
- speech in Josh. 24; Samuel in 1 Sam. 8 or 12; Solomon in 1 Kgs. 8
- a song in Jacob, Gen. 49; Moses, Exod. 15; Hannah, 1 Sam. 2.
- Sometimes, speech reveals character:
- Abraham speaking to his servants in Genesis 22. “The boy and I will go to the mountain and we will worship and we will return.” Is Abraham full of faith, or is he selling a line to avoid suspicion?
- biblical narrative seems to intentionally leave out commentary about its characters.
- this forces you, the reader, to draw the conclusions.
God as Character
- God is the only consistent character in the Bible.
- The real reason for God's presence in biblical stories is to reveal His character, identity, and purpose in history:
- Character: God wants good for people, and he wants to share creation with them (Gen. 1-2). God brings justice on human evil, and is willing to forgive and restore.
- Identity: The author of the universe is the God revealed through the family of Abraham and Israel and ultimately through Jesus of Nazareth.
- Purpose: God’s purpose is to rescue his creation from evil so it can be shared in love for eternity.
God's Dual Role:
1) Present and Involved
- In Genesis 1-11 God is a present, direct character walking and talking with people.
- The angel of the LORD comes to Hagar, Abraham’s pregnant slave, in the wilderness (Gen. 16:7-16).
- Moses encounters God in the burning bush and God calls him to bring the Israelites out of Egypt (Exod. 3-4, 24-31).
- In Numbers, God is present with the people as a pillar of cloud in the Israelite camp, speaking directly to Moses as he leads the people through the wilderness.
- In stories like Genesis 37-50, or in stories about King David, Esther, or Ruth, God is depicted as indirect, sporadically known, and hard to perceive.
- He supervises events from behind the scenes.
- The drama of these stories is about how the characters will relate to God when they don’t know what’s going on.
About Characters in the Biblical Narrative:
- Presented without commentary (showing rather than telling).
- Not always best examples for us (we should learn from their mistakes).
- God is the only consistent character in the Bible and He is the One we should imitate.
SourcesAll the materials on this website are copyrighted by their respective authors.
About us"Bible Smart" is a ministry of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church of Farmington Hills, Michigan. It is used as a platform of learning for the Bible Study as well as Church School classes.